Salesforce/HubSpot Integration

RevBlack's Simple Solution: Tackling HubSpot & Salesforce Integration Challenges

April 10, 2023

As a team of certified HubSpot and Salesforce experts with RevOps, Marketing Operations, and Sales Operations experience, RevBlack has been dedicated to helping organizations implement and optimize their HubSpot and Salesforce. After helping many companies with the Salesforce-HubSpot integration, we started to notice some simple but recurring challenges with the out-of-the-box HubSpot and Salesforce integration. 

Simple but widespread pain points

❌ Limited visibility: From Salesforce, there was no way to know which records were syncing between the platforms and when they last synced.

❌ Tedious navigation: No easy way to view a record in Salesforce and quickly access the corresponding record in HubSpot.

❌ Time-consuming: Sales and Marketing teams were wasting valuable time trying to toggle between the two tools.

How we did it

Although our team at RevBlack is well-versed in HubSpot and Salesforce integration and administration, we are not developers. 

To create an app that could address the integration issues, we had the crazy idea to use ChatGPT and believe it or not, it helped us the entire way through. It taught us the Salesforce app development process and actually wrote and tested most of the app's code (Apex, LWC, Javascript, HTML, CSS). ChatGPT also helped create almost all the documentation, instructions, and marketing materials for our app, including this very blog post.

Key benefits and features

HubSpot Sync Status Reports: Summary reports on synced data for Accounts, Contacts, Opportunities, and Leads.

Record-Level HubSpot Details: “HubSpot Record Id” and "Last Sync Time" for individual Accounts, Opportunities, Contacts and Leads.

"View in HubSpot" Button: Simple custom fields for Salesforce page layouts, allowing your team quick access to corresponding HubSpot records.

By tackling common pain points and providing better visibility into synced data, our app enables teams to work more efficiently and make informed decisions.

At RevBlack, we understand the importance of collaboration and utilizing cutting-edge tools like HubSpot, Salesforce, and even ChatGPT to achieve our business goals. Our simple app aims to improve the integration experience between HubSpot and Salesforce and allow teams to overcome the limitations of out-of-the-box HubSpot-Salesforce integration. Give our app a try and see how it can enhance your HubSpot and Salesforce experience. 

Check out our documentation and instructions

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Book a Discovery Call

Based in the Silicon Slopes of Utah, Tate and the RevBlack team are ready to bring their HubSpot and Salesforce expertise to help your business automate, optimize, and scale your revenue growth.

Book some time get help with your HubSpot and Salesforce setup or click here to submit a form instead.

Tate Stone Profile Picture

Tate Stone
CEO + Founder, RevBlack