Stop Treating Customer Success Like A Red Headed Step Child

March 24, 2023

Customer Success teams often get less attention and time from a company's RevOps team because "New Business" teams are more exciting and demand more. A good RevOps strategy and team doesn't ignore CS and ensures they get enough resources.

When it comes to a company's RevOps team, the focus is often on the "New Business" teams that are responsible for acquiring new customers and driving sales. These teams are often seen as the most exciting and demanding, and as a result, the resources and attention they receive can sometimes overshadow other important teams such as Customer Success.

CS teams are responsible for ensuring that existing customers are satisfied, engaged, and are getting the most value from the products or services they have purchased. However, because CS doesn't always generate revenue directly, they can sometimes be overlooked or given less attention and resources by the RevOps team.

A good RevOps strategy and team should not ignore the CS team. In fact, the success of a business depends on the retention and growth of its existing customers. In this blog post, we'll explore how RevOps can support the CS team by optimizing the customer journey and experience, facilitating cross-functional collaboration, providing data and analytics, and ensuring scalability and growth. Let's dive in.

1. Optimize customer journey and experience

In today's business landscape, customer success is not just about resolving issues or providing support, but also about understanding and improving the entire customer journey. This is where Revenue Operations (RevOps) comes into play. RevOps can collaborate with the Customer Success team to identify areas for improvement in the customer journey.

By analyzing data from different touchpoints such as support tickets, surveys, and usage metrics, RevOps can identify patterns and trends that can help enhance the customer experience. For instance, if the data suggests that customers are finding it challenging to adopt a specific product feature, RevOps can work with the Customer Success team to create training and educational resources to help customers overcome these challenges.

Moreover, RevOps can identify and streamline processes that cause friction in the customer journey, such as long onboarding processes or complicated billing procedures. By optimizing the customer journey and experience, the Customer Success team can improve customer satisfaction and reduce churn.

This, in turn, can lead to increased revenue and customer lifetime value, as well as positive word-of-mouth referrals and brand loyalty. By providing insights to optimize the customer journey and experience, RevOps can help the Customer Success team better understand their customers and proactively address their needs, ultimately leading to increased success for both the customer and the company.

2. Cross-functional Collaboration

In the fast-paced business environment, cross-functional collaboration has become more important than ever. It allows teams to work together towards common goals and achieve better outcomes for the business and its customers. This is where RevOps comes in.

RevOps can facilitate cross-functional collaboration between different teams in an organization, including Sales, Marketing, Product, and Customer Success. By breaking down silos and ensuring that everyone is aligned and working towards the same goals, RevOps can help the Customer Success team to achieve its objectives more effectively.

RevOps can foster collaboration between the Customer Success team and other teams, such as Sales and Product. This collaboration can help ensure that the Customer Success team has the necessary resources and support to achieve its goals.

For instance, if a customer is struggling with a product feature, the Customer Success team may need to work with the Product team to find a solution. RevOps can facilitate this collaboration by ensuring that the teams are aligned and communicating effectively. By doing so, the Customer Success team can quickly find solutions to customer problems, leading to increased customer satisfaction and retention.

Similarly, RevOps can help the Customer Success team work more closely with the Sales team. By sharing data and insights, RevOps can help ensure that the Customer Success team identifies opportunities to upsell and cross-sell to existing customers. This collaboration can result in increased revenue and customer lifetime value for the business.

In conclusion, RevOps can help break down silos between teams and foster collaboration across the organization. This collaboration can help ensure that the Customer Success team has the necessary resources and support to achieve its goals, leading to better outcomes for both the business and its customers.

3. Data and analyzing

In today's data-driven business landscape, access to accurate and relevant data can make all the difference when it comes to achieving success. This is where RevOps comes in, providing valuable data and analytics to help the Customer Success team make informed decisions.

RevOps teams are responsible for collecting and analyzing data from various sources to create a comprehensive view of the customer journey. By providing the Customer Success team with this data, they can gain a better understanding of their customers' needs, identify areas for improvement, and develop targeted strategies to drive engagement, retention, and expansion.

For instance, RevOps can provide the Customer Success team with information on customer usage and adoption of different features, enabling them to identify areas where customers may be struggling and where additional support or training is necessary. RevOps can also offer insights into customer behavior and sentiment, allowing the Customer Success team to proactively identify and address potential issues before they escalate into major problems. This can help increase customer satisfaction and loyalty, as well as reduce churn.

Moreover, RevOps can help the Customer Success team identify cross-sell and upsell opportunities by analyzing data on customer usage and purchase history. This way, the team can work with sales teams to develop targeted offers and campaigns for customers who may be interested in additional products or services.

In summary, by providing Customer Success teams with access to valuable data and analytics, RevOps teams can help them make data-driven decisions that improve customer satisfaction, retention, and identify opportunities for growth and expansion.

4. Scalability and growth

As businesses grow, the amount of data they generate can quickly become overwhelming, making it difficult to gain meaningful insights from it. This is where RevOps comes in - by establishing data governance and implementing analytics tools, RevOps can provide the necessary insights into customer behavior and business operations that can help the Customer Success team make informed decisions.

For instance, RevOps can help the Customer Success team identify patterns and trends that inform their decision-making, such as which customers are at risk of churning, which products or services are driving revenue growth, and which segments of the customer base require additional attention.

In addition to data governance and analytics, RevOps can help businesses streamline their workflows and reduce manual effort by identifying inefficiencies and bottlenecks in their processes. For example, RevOps can work with the Customer Success team to develop standardized onboarding processes for new customers, or automate tasks such as follow-up emails and customer satisfaction surveys. These optimizations can free up valuable time for the Customer Success team to focus on more strategic initiatives that drive customer success and retention.

As businesses grow, their technology infrastructure must also scale to support increased demand. RevOps can ensure that the systems and tools used by the Customer Success team are scalable and integrated, allowing for seamless collaboration and communication across teams. This can include implementing CRM systems that provide a single source of truth for customer data or integrating customer support tools such as chatbots and ticketing systems to reduce response times and improve customer satisfaction.

Overall, RevOps can help businesses scale by providing the necessary data, analytics, and tools to streamline workflows, optimize processes, and enhance the customer experience. By working with the Customer Success team, RevOps can help businesses retain and grow their customer base while also driving revenue growth.

Why it matters

We've discussed how RevOps can support the Customer Success team in four key areas: optimizing the customer journey and experience, fostering cross-functional collaboration, providing data and analytics, and enabling scalability and growth.

Firstly, RevOps can help optimize the customer journey and experience by creating a holistic view of the customer across all touchpoints and interactions. By identifying pain points and areas for improvement, RevOps can work with the Customer Success team to develop targeted strategies and tactics that drive engagement, retention, and expansion.

Secondly, RevOps can foster cross-functional collaboration by breaking down silos and encouraging teams to work together towards common goals. By aligning incentives and metrics, RevOps can create a culture of shared responsibility and accountability, where each team understands how their work impacts the overall success of the business.

Thirdly, RevOps can provide data and analytics that enable the Customer Success team to make data-driven decisions. By collecting and analyzing data from different sources, RevOps can provide insights into customer behavior, sentiment, and usage patterns, allowing the Customer Success team to identify areas for improvement and develop targeted strategies to address them.

Lastly, as a business grows, its technology infrastructure must scale to support increased demand. RevOps can help ensure that the systems and tools used by the Customer Success team are scalable and integrated, allowing for seamless collaboration and communication across teams.

In conclusion, RevOps is a powerful concept that can help the Customer Success team to achieve its goals by optimizing the customer journey and experience, fostering cross-functional collaboration, providing data and analytics, and enabling scalability and growth. By breaking down silos and creating a culture of shared responsibility, RevOps can help businesses to deliver exceptional customer experiences and drive sustainable growth over the long term.


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Tate Stone
CEO + Founder, RevBlack